DanIDL & DanIDL-Lite: Installation Instructions
- Download the required version of the DanIDL library.
The library is provided via GitHub as a gzipped tar file (or zip file) with a name of the
form DanIDL-<version>.tar.gz.
- Store the file DanIDL-<version>.tar.gz in some convenient directory <direct> as:
- Unzip the tar file using:
$> cd <direct>
$> gunzip DanIDL-<version>.tar.gz
- Unpack the tar file using:
$> tar -xvf DanIDL-<version>.tar
- OPTIONAL: Prepare the make file for the C++ code in preparation for compilation:
$> cd DanIDL-<version>/Private/C++.Code
Now edit the parameter EXT_IDL_DIR in the file Makefile such that it specifies the
directory path to the IDL external directory. A typical directory path for this parameter is
Note that if you are using a Mac operating system, then you will also need to edit the file Makefile
by replacing the line:
CC = gcc
with the line:
CC = gcc-4.2
Compile the C++ code using:
$> make all
- In order to be able to call the DanIDL functions and modules from any working directory, you will need to add
the installation directory for the DanIDL library to your IDL path. This may be done by inserting the following piece of code
into your ".bashrc" file (or other similar file) that is sourced at log in:
export IDL_PATH="$IDL_PATH:+<direct>/DanIDL-<version>"
IDL Astronomy User's Library: Installation Instructions
- Download the latest version of the
IDL Astronomy User's Library.
The library is provided as a gzipped tar file with a name of the
form astron.tar.gz.
- Store the file astron.tar.gz in some convenient directory <direct> as:
- Unzip the tar file using:
$> cd <direct>/astrolib
$> gunzip astron.tar.gz
- Unpack the tar file using:
$> tar -xvf astron.tar
- In order to be able to call the IDL Astronomy User's Library functions and modules from any working directory, you will need to add
the installation directory for the library to your IDL path. This may be done by inserting the following piece of code
into your ".bashrc" file (or other similar file) that is sourced at log in:
export IDL_PATH="$IDL_PATH:+<direct>/astrolib"
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